Older Americans Act Services and Providers

Home delivered meals, congregate meals, transportation services and more...


Title III of the Older Americans Act provides funding for supportive services, nutrition services, and family caregiver support.

Supportive Services (III B)

Supportive services provide a range of social services aimed at helping older adults remain independent in their own homes and communities. Funds must support access to services, in-home services, and legal assistance. The program may also support other services, such as care management, adult day services, and activities of senior centers.

Nutrition Services (III C1, C2)

The nutrition program provides meals and socialization to older adults in congregate settings such as senior centers, as well as meals to frail older adults in their homes. The purpose of the program is to reduce hunger and food insecurity, promote socialization and provide meals to the homebound.

Family Caregiver Support (IIIE)

The Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP) recognizes the vital role performed by informal caregivers and is authorized by Title III-E of the Older Americans Act. Its intent is to directly benefit informal, unpaid caregivers with services consistent with the Act’s mandates through a statewide, easily identifiable program that supports the efforts of caregivers.

Unlike many other programs funded and managed by WRAAA, the family caregiver is the target of this program. These services aid family caregivers to better understand their role, learn when and how to access assistance and find the services/information needed to decrease stress and better care for their loved ones. 

Older Americans Act Services

Adult Day Health Center Services
Adult Guardianship
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Assisted Transportation (Escort)
Benefits Enrollment Centers
Congregate Meals
Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs
Education and Training (Caregiver and Kinship)
Home Delivered Meals
Information and Referral Assistance
Legal Assistance
Legal Counseling (Kinship)
Nutrition Education
Personal Care
Restaurant Vouchers
Support Groups (Caregiver and Kinship)
Supportive Services

See our list of service providers for congregate meals, home-delivered meals, transportation assistance, kinship support, adult day services and more.

Community Focal Points: View a list of 2024 Older Americans Act Service Providers- Offices on Aging and Senior Centers in Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, and Medina counties. This group of providers is our list of Older American Act organizations with whom we coordinate services.

Program Info

Older Americans Act Services

