Programs and Services

Aging and Disability Resource Center
The experts of the ADRC are available to provide information, assistance, and referrals to help connect you to the long-term services and support you need.

Alzheimer's Service Provider Directory
View a list of Alzheimer's Service organizations in Cuyahoga, Lake, and Lorain counties. These organizations offer assistance to individuals and families who need services due to Alzheimer's.

Assisted Living
Designed to help individuals who may need a range of assistance but desire to maintain a level of independent living in a setting that feels like home.

Community Outreach
View a list of Speakers Bureau presentations. Our knowledgeable speakers will provide an interactive and informative presentation for you.

Family Caregiver Support
Designed to help identify your unique needs as a caregiver and connect you to every resource that may be able to support you.

Home Choice
Helping eligible Ohioans transition from institutional settings to either home or community-based environments.

Housing Assistance Resources
Available Funds for Home Relief Grants 

Information Request Form for Provider Inquiries
Providers should use this form to submit information requests.

MyCare Ohio
A managed care program designed for Ohioans who receive BOTH Medicaid and Medicare benefits.

Home repairs for Cuyahoga County seniors who cannot handle home repairs on their own. 

New Providers Applications
Apply Today to Become a Provider.

Nutrition Support Programs
Nutrition programs including home-delivered meals, congregate meals, as well as nutrition education and risk screening.

Ohio Home Care Waiver
A waiver program serving individuals age 59 and under on Medicaid with long-term care needs who may need to depend on a hospital or nursing facility.

Older Americans Act Services
Title III of the Older Americans Act provides funding for supportive services, nutrition services, and family caregiver support.

An advocate for individuals receiving care in nursing homes, assisted living, adult care homes, and more.

PASSPORT Medicaid Waiver Program
Support services for eligible older adults 60 and over, who wish to remain in their own homes with independence and dignity.

Personal Care Service Referral Portal
Linking home care providers with individuals in need on our waiver programs

Preadmission and Level of Care Screenings FAQ
The preadmission review process applies to most individuals seeking access to Medicaid-funded, long-term care.

Provider Communication Form
Providers can use this form to directly contact WRAAA care managers/waiver service coordinators to submit changes in service. Instructions on how to complete the form are available here. Or, watch our video with a simple tutorial.

Public Health
Health information and local resources to help our community plan for good health.

Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
A $50.00 benefit for eligible seniors to purchase fresh locally grown fruits, vegetables, herbs, and honey from participating farmers.

Senior Volunteer Program Directory
View a list of Retired Senior Volunteer programs in Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, and Medina counties. These organizations offer opportunities for older adults to volunteer their time and services.

Specialized Recovery Services (SRS)
A program available through Medicaid for people diagnosed with severe and persistent mental illness.

Transitional Care Services
Our services are a benefit of your managed care program. We provide support that helps with follow-up care after your hospital stay.

Veteran-Directed Care
VDC is a collaborative program between the Veteran Administration (VA) Healthcare System and the Aging and Disability Network Agencies (ADNA) / Area Agencies on Aging to provide in-home services in a self-directed manner. 

Wellness and More
Supportive Wellness Programs.

What's Happening
Industry and Community Outreach Events.

Home repairs for Cuyahoga and Lorain County seniors who cannot handle home repairs on their own.

Handicapped young lady in wheelchair

Operating under the legislative authority of the federal Older Americans Act (OAA), the WRAAA is responsible for a wide range of activities in support of older adults and those who are disabled. Its major responsibilities are to:

  • Serve as an effective and visible advocate and focal point for the approximately 440,000 older adults, aged 60+ within its five-county planning and service area.
  • Identify the needs and concerns of older adults and disabled by creating plans for collaboratively addressing the needs through systems of home and community-based services (HCBS) and other interventions which enable older adults to maintain their independence and dignity.
  • Administer a wide variety of federal, state, local and private funds used to provide HCBS, care management, and other support and opportunities for older adults and those who are disabled.

Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging (WRAAA) provides Advocacy, Assistance, and Answers for those who are aging and disabled.